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Postari: 4
Piasini Master + Slave, PCB + 3 x Hex + Software, complete project
Actia Multidiag Pic12f629 Hex working solution for 2011year
MagPro2 - Flashtec - Kess, PCB + 3 x Hex + Software, complete project
Vag Com Hex CAN v11.11 Release complete schematic,PCB,HEX - full project
MPPS K+CAN v12.0.0.6 - No Counter! by AMT Cartech Complete project Software + Schema + layout(PCB) + Hex C8051f340
Winols v1.7.21 + 76dlls (checksums) + 1,2 GB Damos files, full working no bugs!
MPPS K+CAN v10.0.2.3 by AMT Cartech Complete project Software + Schema + layout(PCB) + Hex C8051f340
Siemens PPD Injectors - repair manual
WOW Solution 3xhex+clone t30 hdd (convert any Autocom to Wurth WOW Snooper diagnostic system with latest update 9/2011)
MPPS K+CAN v9 by AMT Cartech Complete project Software + Schema + layout(PCB) + Hex C8051f340
Alfa Diag v3.3.0.11 latest - complete K Line + CAN (ECU,ABS,Airbag,Steering wheel...) schematic + software + PCB + Hex
PCMSCAN v.2.4.12 + keygen built 1194 , PCMSCAN v. full
MPPS K+CAN v8 by AMT Cartech Complete project Software + Schema + layout(PCB) + Hex C8051f340
Scan XL Pro v3.2.1 built 1865 full
AirBag Universal repair v1.5 Full Ecuvonix 1258 supported ECUs
Crash Eraser by SMOK v2.1.6.0 - complete project schematic + PCB + Hex for atmega64 + ept
Meucci ECU Decoding v3.10 full
SuperVAG K+CAN USB Updater, latest version!
Vag Com HEX CAN v11.2 with FT232RL Hex for Atmega162
Vag Com Hex CAN v10.6.3 + v10.6.4 + v11.2 Beta complete schematic,PCB,HEX - full project
MPPS K+CAN v5.0.1.10 by AMT Cartech Complete project Software + Schema + layout(PCB) + Hex C8051f340,Firmware v6.01
VAG - HEX - COM VCDS with Seriall port all version up to v11.2 complete schematic,PCB,HEX - full project
AutoCOM CDP repair solution + Attiny45 Hex + 29f800 Hex
Carman SCAN II (Nextech HiScan Lite) Unlocked software - No Need Licenc key
ECU Safe v2.0.0.0 + keygen
New Xentry Developer by JCRecordings v1.1.0
MPPS K+CAN v3.0.2.37 by AMT Cartech Complete project Software + Schema + layout(PCB) + Hex C8051f340
NYO4 NEW 25.10.2010 - complete edition 187MB, Airbag,Navi,Carradio,Dash,Immo,ECU + Keygen
AirBag Dumps 2008-2010, collection 150 tested solutions
Mercedes W204 W212 DAS solution )
Mercedes MultiKeygen by taxidoktor
Opel SIMTEC + Opel/Isuzu Y17DT/DTL ECU repair manuals
Actia Multidiag III-2010 Keygen
Silca SBB v33 repair-update recovery set instruction + hex files
Mercedes Siemens 4-cyl ECU Clear
Renault DDT Database 23.12.2010
Actia Multidiag - solution to work with PPS and Lexia
Actia Multidiag II-2010 keygen, Actia Multidiag I-2010 keygen, Bosch Esitronic 1/2011 keygen
Carsoftware v5.0 Full
Carprog by CODECARD Update/Unlock to FULL version - all modules (atmega hex at91sam7s256 + programmer schematic + instruction + software + All adapter schematics)
INPA K+CAN full project available (layout + ept + hex Atmega + drivers + Software)
CMD CAN flasher v1255c ( full CAN ) Software + Schema + layout(PCB) + ept ft232rl + hex 68hc11e1
Carsoftware v3.0 Full
ImmoDecoder LT2.0 Ecuvonix, Full
Silca SBB reapir-update v31.2, v32 recovery set instruction + hex files
ImmoDecoder v2.0 by AETool Full
INPA D-CAN full project available (layout + ept + hex Atmega + drivers + Software)
CarSoftware v4.0 full
Tachosoft v21.5 full
Vag Com Hex CAN v10.6.0 complete schematic,PCB,HEX - full project
Immo Universal Decoding ECUVONIX LT1.3 Full
X-Prog M Hex file + Config + update/reflash software v5.0 with Micronas support
ECU SAFE v1.9.30 DPF/FAP remove + ADD Blue + Speed limit + Safe tool + EGR removal!
BMW IMMO ID TOOL v2.42 full
BMW DME/DDE Password extractor by AVTOTOOL
Vag Com Hex CAN v908 with ft232RL repair instruction + hex files
Mercedes Airbag settings resseter calc v2.0
PSA HDI FAP Emulator - complete project - Peugeot/Citroen
FIAT/ALFA/LANCIA diagnostic ALL cars K Line + CAN (ECU,ABS,Airbag,Steering wheel...) schematic + software + PCB + Hex
Mercedes ECU tool HD v1.67 full
ECU SAFE DPF/FAP remove + ADD Blue + Speed limit + Safe tool
BeeProg recovery set instruction + 3x24c hex files + Pic hex file
OPEL EDC16 KM tool - full project available (layout + ept + hex for dsPIC + drivers + Software)
Vag Com Hex CAN v9.08 complete schematic,PCB,HEX - full project
Mercedes - ACTIA CEASAR STOS STAR DIAGNOSE multiplexer - complete project - PCBs(main + relay board) + Hex files + Pinouts
Renault Clip repair dumps set (2x eeprom + 2xflash)
Lexia/PPS repair dump set (master processor + PIC)
FIAT/ALFA/LANCIA diagnostic ALL cars up to 2005 wia K line (ECU,ABS,Airbag,Steering wheel) schematic + software
FLASHit 9 interface schematic + software(st10xxx, C166, XC166, XE166, XE2200 with internal/external flash memory)
Audi AISIN Navigation RNS-E unlock cd / firmware update cd
VW MFD2 unlock cd / firmware update cd
Actia Multidiag PassThru reflashing tool
Vag-Tacho USB -full v2.60 + OPEL Immo USB v2.1 (One device) PCB + Dumps + software + new VagTacho USB v3.02
VAG K + CAN commander v2.5 fully working K+CAN no dongle protection Software + Interface schematic + PCB + HEX
Alfa Diag v3.2.1.0 full project available
Licznik New version v4.8 + USB interface schematic + PCB + EPT file - Dongle
Renault DDT v2.6.0.0 with newest database (complete schematic,PCB,HEX)
Op-COM v1.39 090714 full project available (complete schematic,PCB,HEX)
Map 3D Diag software + PCB + interface schematic + Dump
VAG-COM HEX CAN v8.12 complete schematic,PCB,HEX
VP30 / VP 44 diesel pumps repair manuals
MobyDick by OzenElectronic full project available v3200,2700+,2600 schema,PCB,Dump all protocols supported
Fiat-Alfa-Lancia Scanner USB full K& CAN support,working with FInAlisT full project
FORD scanner USB full K&CAN support,working with FORmiDable full projject available
Diga-Tacho Universal complete set of dumps,all versions 2xflash+Pic+eeprom + 912 repair solution
TMS374 ecu resseter HANDHELD device full project
Opel Scanner v K line - software + PCB + interface schematic + Dump USB&COM
BMW Ediabas USB KKL full project
BMW serie e46 and e39 Seat occupie sensor emulator
Fiat Stilo seat occupie sensor emulator
Audi seat emulator >2004
VAG K + CAN commander v1.4 fully working K+CAN no dongle protection Software + Interface schematic + PCB + HEX
CMD CAN !!! flasher(no K line,full CAN communication) Software+Schema+layout(PCB)+ept for ft232rl+hex for 68hc11e1
Magic Dash v1.61 software+Interface schematic+Layout+Hex
KWP2000 + 40dlls + PCB + interface schematic + Dump
DiGiProg OBD flasher software + interface schematic + dump
KWP 2000 PLUS interface schematic + dumps
EDC16 flasher v1236,1244,1251 & 1255 software + PCB + interface schematic + Dump
Galletto v1050,1080,1250,1260-NewSerial software + PCB + interface schematic + Dump
CMD BDM100 - software + PCB + interface schematic + Dump
SPI 028 - software + PCB + interface schematic + Dump
ECM v6.2/v6.3 with 10500 driver and 117 available checksums
WinECu Flasher v134 software + interface schematic + dump
Winols 1500 with 67dlls and 132 available checksums
RACE 2000 v6.32.351 tunning menager cars+trucks
WinGal32 bit tunning menager
MAP3D v3.2.588 tunning menager
Tuned files collection 1 5.260 files Tuned files collection 2 23.467 files Tuned files collection 3 60.188 files
DAMOS OLS Tunned files 1.2GB